I bought some regular Kraft Ranch Dressing because I trust their labeling policies; however, when my kids excitedly ate their salads, my daughter WITHOUT food allergies became very red and blotchy anywhere the dressing sat on her face (and if you're familiar with 2-4 year olds, dressing definitely sits on their faces!). I was a bit worried but a quick google search and consultation with my network of allergy moms assured me that it was a pretty common occurrence and not a real allergy to worry about. Nonetheless, I felt a bit uncomfortable and decided we'd have to start making our own.
I layered the ingredients in a small mason jar and suddenly fell in love! How adorable would these be with a cute little label and some twine tied around the lid with recipe and meal suggestions attached?!?
For Ranch Seasoning Mix
5 tablespoons dried parsley
2 tablespoons dried dill (also called dillweed - that name makes me giggle like a 6 year old)
2 tablespoons garlic powder
2 tablespoons onion powder
1 tablespoon dried basil
salt & pepper to taste
For Ranch Dressing
1 tablespoon Ranch Seasoning Mix (see above!)
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup sour cream
1-2 tablespoons milk (depending on desired thickness)
Source: Don't Waste the Crumbs
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